Best of 2017 Raffle results!


Happy New Year everyone! Nice of you to join me here in 2018. Let’s kick things off with the Best of 2017 Raffle results.

We received several entries from stuffies around the world with photos of their favorite memory from 2017. The lucky winner, chosen randomly, is…


Magnus Merrkatson went to Jamaica in November. He says, “I’m glad it said ‘No Diving’ ’cause I hate getting wet.”

Congratulations, Magnus! Your prize will be mailed out soon. Let’s take a look at the other beary awesome entries.

Sprinkles the Bear climbed up a mountain to look down at the Great Salt Lake. Wow, what a view!

Here’s Sandy Bear up at the lake where Gramma lives. Stuffies like lakes it seems!

This is Little Fox relaxing in Seattle. I have never been to Seattle before, maybe in 2018!

Drunk Fox had an amazing summer party with his friends! Looks like they had sparkling cider, beer, coffee, peanut butter, bread, and gluten-free tortilla chips?

The next photo is from Beanie Mouse, who had an excellent time with Jelly Beanie visiting Paddington Bear in Paddington Station! This is beary cool!

And here is an entry from Wesley Bear! This is what Wesley has to say:

This is when mum took me and Mini to Atlantic City in July. It was neat going to the beach for the first time, although we did get rained on. However, once the sky cleared, it was fun to play in the ocean and meet new friends.

Next is a delicious photo from Eddie Hedgehog. His favorite memory of 2017 was weighing Maltesers! Those look really yummy.

And now Marcus Meerkatson (Magnus’ little brother), who went to the Great Wall of China in 2017! Stuffies are so adventurous, aren’t they?

Finally, some friends from down under have something beary cool to share. Benaud, Hicks, Chloe and Chantilly of Australia say:

“For us the best thing to happen was in June when our little sister Chantilly was adopted into our family. We could not think of anything better than that!!”

Thanks for taking the time to enter this raffle! If you didn’t win, stay tuned for a new contest coming soon in February!


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