Salmondoah Valley

This weekend, my mom and I took a visit to the beautiful Shen…Shena…Shenan…oh hmm.  I have some trouble pronouncing the name, so I will just call it the beautiful Salmondoah Valley (I did not see any salmon while I was there, however).
This is a picture from the beginning of our trip.  There are many overlooks in this park.
Then I saw an exhibit of a bear at the museum.  There were signs all around that said “BEAR COUNTRY.”  I hope I can see at least one bear while I am here.
Then we went on a hike in the woods.  I think Little Fox would like it here very much.  Many bear explorers have gone before me on this trail.
Should I go this way?
Or that way?  Good thing we have a map, and more importantly, lots of snacks for our hike.
Uh oh, here is a stream.  How will I get across without getting my fur wet?  I think I’ll hop inside my mom’s backpack again and let her figure it out.
Then I saw a painting class – they were painting bears.  But still no bear sighting!  I was getting a little frustrated.
I really wanted to rough it in the great outdoors by camping, but my mom wanted to stay in a cabin.
I reluctantly agreed.  Some humans can be picky about this sort of thing, but I guess these pillows are… *yawn*… nice…zzz…
The next day, we did another hike.  This one had a spectacular view at the top.
My mom would not let me get any closer to the ledge because it was a beary long way down.
It was such a great view that a picture cannot do it justice.  So I took a video.

Okay, it was just about time to head home.  I stopped at the gift shop to pick up some postcards to mail to my friends.
Then I saw it – a real, live bear.  This bear was nice enough to take a picture with me.  We shook paws and then went home.  It was a beary nice visit to Salmondoah Valley.  I highly recommend it if you have the time.


  1. I have a question or two. You showed us a sign at the beginning that said Lewis Falls. Who's Lewis and what did he Fall Over?
    I'm very jealous you stayed in a wood cabin though!!!

  2. What a great adventure! We LOVE the video. We're glad you didn't get close to the edge either…little bears don't weigh very much, and one big gust of wind might carry you away. The cabin sure looked nice. Did you have a campfire and make smores? Hot chocolate?

  3. Sooo Glad that you got to Visit Skyline Drive, Ajdin! We've Vacationed at the exact spot where your Human Stayed. We even had the *Pleasure*? of Meeting a Good-Sized Bear on our Hiking Trail… having to make a Long Detour Around the Bear! Also got to *Touch* a young Fawn that had No Fear of Humans… it just Stood There!

  4. Ajdin what a cool trip, I have been pestering my roommates to take me there but no luck yet….I will keep on them though. The video is beary cool and be careful on that ledge.
    I got your packages yesterday, thanks so much for the pen, now I have a pen that is truly mine.


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