Bearce Springsteen ♪♫


This morning I heard a loud thump in the living room.  I went to see what it was.  There was a large bear who had just set down his guitar case.  Was it Bear Lennon giving another living room performance?

“Hello,” I said.  “Is that you, Bear Lennon?”

He turned around.
“No, it’s me, Bearce Springsteen,” he said.
“Ooogie!  Come here!  It’s Bearce Springsteen about to give a concert in our living room,” I called.
Ooogie and I had a front row seat while Bearce Springsteen treated us to his hit songs, such as “Born to Fish”, “The River (Full of Fish)”, “Walk Like a Bear”, “Reason to BEE-lieve”, and “Honey Road.”
Do you like any Bearce Springsteen songs?



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