Hey everyone, today I want to blog about —

“Aaaaaagent Aaaaaajdin,” said a familiar voice.

“Huh? Ooogie, is that you?” I said.

“Myyyy naaaaame isssss Aaaaaaagent Oooooooogie,” he replied.

“Oh yes, of course! Agent Ooogie, it’s been a long time!”

“Thissss issss an uuuuuuurgent caaaaaable froooom heeeeeeadquartersssssss.”

“Hmm… really urgent, huh?”

He handed me a folder marked “TOP SECRET.”

“Goooooood luuuuuuuuck, Aaaaaaaagent Aaaaaaaajdin.”

“Thank you, Agent Ooogie.”

Hmm… I haven’t heard from headquarters in a long time. I wonder what could be inside.

Hmm… hmm… okay… hmm… okay… wow!

My presence is requested at spy headquarters! I am to report there as soon as possible! Sounds like another TOP SECRET spy mission!

(Some readers may remember a few years ago when I went on a super important, super top secret mission on behalf of H.I.V.E. Headquarters – Honey Is Vital for Existence. Video link below.)

Mission ImPAWsible Film


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