Iceland, part 1


Last month, I traveled to ICELAND! It was a bit chilly so here I am wearing my warm coat. We were there for several days.

Our first stop was at a tomato greenhouse in Friðheimar. Geothermal energy in Iceland heats up a lot of buildings in the country, and greenhouses are no exception. Look at all these aisles of tomatoes!

They were growing sunflowers and other plants as well.

I also learned that they import bees from the Netherlands. There are 60 bees in a box plus one queen bee and it costs about $60 USD. Bees… mmm… honey…

After my mom pried me away from the box of bees, we continued to our next stop on the tour which was the Geysir Hot Spring area for some bubbling geysers.

This is Little Geysir, appropriately named because it is so small.

And now I’m standing in front of the Strokkur geyser waiting for it to…

“HEY!” called out a familiar voice.


“DROOPY!” I exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

“I happen to be on the same tour you are,” he said.

Wow, what a coincidence! I seem to run into Droopy a lot during my international travels (last year at Chichen Itza)


Suddenly, the Strokkur geyser erupted high into the air.

Wow, look at that!

If you’re wondering how hot the water is, just take a look at this sign! That’s pretty hot alright.

After we saw the geysers, we stopped at Gullfoss, which means “golden falls.” On sunny days, you can often see a rainbow above the falls, but that day was a bit cloudy.

That’s a huge waterfall, isn’t it? I am going to be beary careful and not get too close to it.

Here’s a different view of Gullfoss. Can you see how small the people are in this photo?

That was it from our first day in Iceland. Stay tuned for the rest of the trip!


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