

Hi everyone! Today, I’m going to be exercising my “green paw” a little bit. My mom has asked me to help transplant this succulent plant into a new pot.

This plant is an echeveria agavoides x pulidonis hybrid succulent. I’m not really sure what that fancy name means, but it looks pretty cool anyhow.

And isn’t this pot cute? Yes, I’m a proud plant parent!

We’ll first put some soil at the bottom of the pot.

Then gently squeeze the rest of the plant out, keeping the roots intact.

And now it’s repotted!

We’ll give it a little bit of water as it settles into its new home.

There you go, buddy. I hope I can be a good plant parent to this succulent. Any succulent growing tips are welcome!

Oh, and my mom also gave me some mini plant stakes with cute sayings on them.

I’ll put this one with a pothos plant I have been growing. Yes, life is better with more plants!

Pothos is an ivy and it is hard to kill — whoops, I mean… easy to grow! They do well in medium to bright indirect sunlight. I think I might get a little trellis to have it grow upwards.
And I’ll put this other sign with a very encouraging message on this ZZ plant. Please don’t die!
The ZZ plant has several new leaves coming out. Did you know that ZZ plants and pothos are both poisonous? So just be careful.

Let me know what plants you are growing this season in the comments!


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