This afternoon, I heard a knock at the door. I went to see who it was.
It was somebody green.
“Hellooooo,” said Ooogie. He was carrying a binder.
“Hi Ooogie! What are you up to today?” I asked.
“I’m taaaking theee offiicial Uniiiteeed Staaates Ceeensuuus,” he replied.
“The U.S. census? How many stuffies do you still have to survey?” I asked.
“Weeeeell, I aaam countiiing theee eeentire countryyyyy. Aaand youuu areee nuuumbeeer tweeentyyy threee,” said Ooogie.
“What… that’s still over 300 million something to go…” I couldn’t believe it.
“Yesssss. Thaaaaank youuu fooor yoour tiiiime toooday. Haaave a niiice daaaay,” he said.
Wow, what a guy. Ooogie never gives up. I wonder how long it will take Ooogie to complete this census. He still has to finish counting the election results, you know.
Did you complete your census survey?