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 BREAKING NEWS!!! After a long and thorough process, election officer Ooogie is about to finish the final ballot count from the 2016 Presidential Election. In case you forgot, I ran for President with my running mate Parker. "Hi Ooogie! Do you have any updates?" I asked. "Yessssss," he...

Election results UPDATE!

As you might know, I ran for President in 2016 with my trusty friend Parker as my running mate. We ran a strong campaign and got many stuffie voters to the polls. Ooogie is the election official and has been thoroughly counting all of the votes. Let's check in...

Election Results

So it's been almost a week since the election. Some of you might be wondering why I haven't given my concession speech yet. Well, the reason is because I believe that every vote counts. And the last time I checked, the votes are still...


Hey everyone, I'm standing here in line to vote - this is a big election! Did you vote yet? Remember to vote for me for President and my dog Parker for Vice President! And it looks like Ooogie is working the polls to make sure...

Stuffie National Convention, part 2

CONTINUED FROM HERE... *YAWN* Wow, that was a really refreshing nap! Is Ooogie finished reading the roll call of states yet? Is it my turn to give my acceptance speech as the stuffie nominee for President of the United States of America? Huh? Wait, where is everyone? The...


"What's going on?" asked Miss Feathers. "Woof?" "Alright, I'm here," said Uncle Tibbs. "Does anyone know what this is all about?" "Ajdin told us to be here for a special announcement. That Ajdin is always up to something!" said Miss Feathers. "Sooooorryyyyy I'mmmmm laaaaateee," said Ooogie. "No problem, we...