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Tag: treasure

Archaeological dig

Hello everyone! Bear Cub Scout Ajdin here, and today I'm taking part in an archaeological dig. My friend Captain Claude will be helping me out. We had a very successful treasure hunt last time we were on a pirate adventure together! "Aaarrrr matey!" he said. "I...

Trash to Treasures Contest Results

A few weeks ago, I called upon my blog readers to give me their trashiest and craftiest creations - and they certainly did not disappoint! Let's take a look at the entries. Beanie Mouse, crafter extraordinaire, did not disappoint with an amazing display of creative...

Treasure Chest

Thus began the virgin voyage of the HONEY RAIDER... After a long and exciting journey, we arrived on Treasure Island.  My pirate crew and I finally found the buried treasure chest! We dug it out of the sand and then opened it carefully... Inside was... *gasp*... ...HONEY!  (What...

Pirate adventure

Where was I going to find a good pirate crew? I decided to ask Uncle Tibbs and Ooogie if they would be willing to be part of my pirate crew. "It could be dangerous," I warned. They made up their minds without a moment's hesitation. "ARRR!!" Uncle Tibbs...