
Hey everyone, hope you're having a good 2022 so far! I can't believe it's already February. Time flies, doesn't it? Today, I'm going to be making string art from a craft kit. I'm wearing my craft apron so my clothes...
Hey everyone, hope you had a great New Year! Happy 2022! It's gonna be a terrific year, I just know it! Hey, what's this? I picked it up. It looks like a hat of some sort. I wonder if it fits me....
Wow, this is kinda embarrassing, but I am just getting around to posting the results of the 2021 Stuffie Summer Olympics! Having no secretary is beary hard. Anyways, I know some of you have been waiting many months for the results. Let's...
I received some awesome holiday cards recently! Let's review them. Oh yeah, I have a new mailing address, so if you want to write, be sure to email me first and I will send you my new address. The first...
I have been waiting all year to talk to the Big Guy, and today he happened to be sitting on the couch taking requests. "Hello Santa!" I said. "Hello Ajdin!" he replied. "Come sit on my lap and tell Santa what...
HELLO EVERYONE! It's me, Ajdin, and I am beary excited to write my first blog post in several months! A lot of things have happened since last time. I moved to a new bearcave and have been helping my mom...
"Hey Ajdin, what are you up to?" asked Uncle Tibbs. "Oh, I'm just practicing for my magic show," I replied. "It is not as easy as it looks." "Oh? Do you need some help?" he asked. "Actually... yes! You can definitely help...
I'm getting ready for my first show - check out the promotional poster! 😀
"Hello, Ajdin! I have some goodies for you today," said Uncle Tibbs. He was holding a bag that said BUILD-A-BEAR WORKSHOP. "Wow, for me?" I asked. "Unfortunately, the Build-a-Bear Workshop still has nothing in my size," he said, "but I found...
While the humans postponed their 2020 Summer Olympics, we stuffies continued with this tradition and commitment to the enduring nature of sports and held our 2020 Olympics in a grand fashion! It looks like the humans are finally getting in the swing...
Today I'm going to paint a teacup and saucer with this awesome arts and crafts kit! By the way, I'm still rocking my star bandana from July 4th. It has a teacup and saucer, plus paints and brushes - everything...
Today I am making a special gift for my grandma. I think she will really appreciate it. I am gifting her a photo of... ...ME. I got this cute honeybee picture frame to display my photo! Isn't it wonderful? So let's cut...
July 4th is almost here so I thought I would make some red, white, and blue decorations! Today, we'll be making a patriotic wand to celebrate July 4th... Wait... it looks like this package has already been opened... ...and it looks...
I received a postcard from Jerry and Ben the other day. They are on a hiking trip in Wyoming. This is Devils Tower National Monument. It has a height of 1,267 feet. I wonder how it was formed, perhaps by...
Hello everyone! If you're wondering why I'm wearing my astrobear suit today, it's NOT because I'm going to outer space today, but because we are going to make an OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD KALEIDOSCOPE! Yes, I have right here in my little paws...
Today, we're going to check in on our friend Ooogie to see how he's doing at his new job. I helped him find a new job about a year ago after his last one wasn't a good fit. Let's see how...
The next and final stop on our road trip is... SAN DIEGO! Here I am at the Bob Hope Memorial in San Diego. Bob Hope was a wonderful and talented entertainer who loved performing for the troops. He did a...
The next stop on our road trip is... JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK! Now, if you follow my friend Little Fox, you'll notice that he also recently went to the same park. Maybe we drove past him during our trip. :) A popular...
Hello everyone, we're back on the road! Our next stop is... DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK! We drove and drove and drove and drove for what seemed like FOREVER. There was not another car on the road and all I could...
This is one of my favorite posts from several years ago so I am reposting it this weekend. Thank you to all stuffies (and humans!) who have served in the military and given the ultimate sacrifice.